Sunday 11 October 2015

Week 10: Force Connections 2

We learned more about Forced Connections this week. We had class activity and basically, each group have to do a powerpoint slide and present infront of the whole class on what objects that they had come up with. 

This is what my team members and i had thought of. 

From this week's lesson, i learn more about Forced Connections and Scamper . I also learn that i can use those methods to invent or think of new ideas. From week 1 to 10, ive learn a lot of useful tips and ideas that can help me more on my creative thinking skills. Therefore, i will use everything that ive learn in my daily life. Thank you. 

Sunday 27 September 2015

Week 9: Force Connections 1

What is Force Connections?

Force Connections is a way of describing the act of combining 2 or more unrelated 
things to express a new message. One of the methods of establishing such connection is by SCAMPER.

This is a method to create new items. 

There are a lot of objects that had been invented in a way that it is more convenient to use. 
Here are a few examples:
  1. Pencil
  2. Language
  3. Skateboard
  4. Life Jacket
  5. Rubber baking tray 
  6. Roller Skates
  7. Flippers

 Let's take flippers as an example. Flippers is an object that help people to move 
through water more efficiently as human feet are to small. They combine a shoe and rubber
look a-like animal feet to form flippers so it will be easier for people to swim. 
This is one way of Force Connections. 

From this lesson, i've learn that there are actually alot of things that is made using forced connections. We can also create a new product of we were to use the SCAMPER method.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Week 8: Tutorial Practice (SAM visit)

Term break: Tutorial practice

Currently we are having a 1 week term break. We were given an assignment which is to go to SAM & Q8. 

As you can see, we capture our friend's reflection as he was curious of what the art piece was about and the art piece is to show us to reflect on ourself.

By looking at the artefact, it shows how stable the item is and that it is firm.

It shows a solemn mood as the colour to shoot the photography is taken in Black and White. Black and White describe how negative they are feeling.

The creatures that is being hung is shining and glowing. It shows how excited it is to be floating up in the air.

The miniatures is being placed in a well mannered way. It has the same colour and with the white background, it shows how calm everything in the room is. 

This artwork shows a fearful effect as it had blood and stains all over the canvas and how the humans in the painting had a fearful expression. 

It shows how they have trust issues between each other and there is still blood stain being seen. It can also may be because trust can ruin the citizens value.

It can be seen how happy and loving this married couple is in the picture. The red heart shapes give more effect.

It shows sadness to me because it is somehow a way to show the past memories and the people who had left them in life.

The dinosaur is anticipated by the truck and looking forward to something positive which is going to happen.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Week 7: Analogical Thinking 1

What is Analogical Thinking?

It is a thinking strategy that provides new ideas for problem solving by making 
associations between objects that seem dissimilar. 

There are 3 ways on how Analogical Thinking can be use as. 

  1. Similes
  2. Metaphors
  3. Analogy

A similes is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with 
another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more vivid.
A similes is also when you say something is like something.


A metaphor is when you say something is something.
It is as similar as Similes.


Analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different
things are similar, but it's a bit more complex. 

There are 4 types of analogy. 

Personal Analogy: Imagine ourself being an object.

Direct Analogy: Compare object's properties to properties of other objects. 

Symbolic Analogy: Comparing it to an abstract principles. 

Fantasy Analogy: Frees your imagination from the boundaries of the
normal world. 

Class Exercise 1

Relating a Candle, Clock, Plug and Pencil. 

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Week 6: Lateral Thinking

What is Lateral Thinking? 

Lateral Thinking is a problem solving through an indirect and creative approach.
Lateral Thinking is also about

  • thinking outside the box
  • thinking creatively
  •                                                         discarding the obvious
  •                                                  throwing away preconceptions 
  •                                                    provocations of new patterns

Everyone in the class had to participate in the activity that was being shown 
on the powerpoint slides. It was very challenging and hard for me but
i did not gave up and manage to solve the problem. Even though the answer is very obvious,
i still did not find any answers to solve it after 5 minutes. 

(Picture taken by author)

My group members were squeezing each other's brain juice to solve the problem. 
We work together so that it will be easier for us to solve.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Week 5: Mind Mapping

What is Mind Mapping?

Mind mapping is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of our brain.
Mind mapping is also a creative and logical means of note-taking and
 note-making that literally "maps out" our ideas.

Mind map usually have a common structure that starts from the center, 
 use lines, symbols, words, color and images to make it simple yet interesting. 

Here are some sample of a mind map:

Therefore, for our class activity, our group have to make a mind map 
with the topic given which is How Education Lead to a Happy Life?  

This is our group's mind map.

Each group have to present their mind map in front of the class. This is somehow 
another way to train ourself on our speaking skills and prepare ourself for future presentation.

In conclusion, I've learn that mind map is an easier process for us to look into things. It widens
our creativity skills too.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Week 4: Reflection Journal

I've learn so many things in school but today i am going to emphasis more
on 3D Fundamentals class. For exercise 1, we have to make 2 models based on 
the topic Line In Space. I learn that there are so many things 
that can be done with the topic given. 

Firstly, how is line in space relatable to out daily lives?
Lines in space can be found in our surroundings. For example, a ballerina 
can be one of the resources for line in space. 

Ballerina's gives out a vibrant pose and it can imagine as a line when being drawn on paper.

However, for my assignment, i did an abstract and figurative sculpture using a wire as we were told 
to use wire because it is easier to bend.

This is my figurative wire sculpture of a wave. 

This is my abstract wire sculpture. 

In the process of doing this assignment, I've learn that i have to be patient when 
bending the wire to have a smooth curve. I've also learn that i have to persevere even-though there
may be difficulties that we may face.  

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Week 3 Images

Night landscape i took at one of the rooftops that i discovered. 
Lights bring effect in the picture.

Landscape that was taken at Tiong Bahru. Beautiful clouds.

The focus is on the Art Science Museum. It promises to feature 
21 gallery which will display exhibits
 from combined art , media/technology and design/architecture motifs

The Merlion Park. The park was first designed as an emblem 
for the Singapore Tourism Board in 1964. (71)

Neon Lights that was made by vehicle that was driving by.

The Old Singapore Supreme Court building. It was built in front of the
 historical Padang grounds between 1937 and 1939.

Marina Bay Sands is an Integrated Resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. 
Developed by Las Vegas Sands, it is billed as the world's most 
expensive standalone casino property at S$8 billion,

Closed up of the Marina Bay Sands. (146)

I love how this image is proportionate. The architect and design is just brilliant. 

Look at how beautiful the city is in Singapore during the night time. 
It give out the very cool vibe for most of the people or even tourist when
they are walking around to get nice fresh air.

(All pictures are taken by author )

Week 3: Brainstorming

In Week 2 and 3, our group had to brainstorm ideas about 101 ways on
how to 'Break A Glass'. Brainstorming is a group creativity by which efforts are made to find a
 conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by each members. 
We had 5 people in a group, so we decided that each of us
came up with 20 ideas. We had tons of creative and interesting ideas. In week 3, we had 
to choose the top 20 creative ideas and present it in front of the class. It was the first group 
presentation that we had. It was a good experience and we managed to see other groups presenting
as well. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Experimenting with an egg

Below is an experiment made by my group. Only manage to take 3 videos.
Out of the 3 videos, only one of the egg sustained.

This is an experiment by my group mate, Gwen. She used a plastic cup and wrapped
the egg with a newspaper and masking tape all around it. Despite using alot of
masking tape to protect the egg, the egg cracked when dropped at a high level.

Result: Failed

This is an another experiment by my group mate, Zaya. 
She also used plastic cups, lots of toilet rolls and masking tape. In order
the secure the egg, she uses 2 plastic cup instead of 1 to cover the egg
and tape it all around. To our surprise, when being dropped at a high level, 
the egg did not cracked.

Result: Success 

This is also an experiment by my group mate, Leon.
He used plastic cup, straws, toilet rolls and a minimal of masking tape.
With the poor workmanship, the egg cracked when being dropped at a high level
because he did not secure it properly.

Result: Failed

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Week 2 Images

Breaking The Rule


A sculpture that was seen near Singapore Art Museum. 
The object is being balanced on a rounded surface. This is breaking the rule 
because it rounded surface cannot be balanced on another rounded surface.
It is usually balanced on a flat platform.

A wall at Bugis National Library. It is designed with lines and holes
that can be seen through. I find it breaking the rule because, a wall has to be flat 
but the architect of the wall changes it.

This was found in one of the Cafe in Haji Lane. It is a toilet sign. 
Instead of using the normal symbol for male and female restrooms, the used a clipart
of a mustache and a lipstick to represent each gender.
 This is a form of breaking the rule.

This is vandalism even though it is just stickers that is being paste on a 
metal pipe. This is an act of breaking the rule. The act of vandalism is not allowed in the country.
But yet, people broke the rule. However, it is not wrong for them to paste those stickers in 
a way to show their designs only when they have the owner's written consent.

This was seen at Haji Lane. Graffiti on one of the abandoned shops there.  
Instead of painting the walls normally, they had an idea to design it using a spray.
A creative way of Breaking the rule.